Plant Name

Echinodorus Bleheri

Common name

Amazon Sword Plant

Sciencetific name

Echinodorus Bleheri


The conservation status of Echinodorus Bleheri is not currently assessed as it is commonly cultivated for aquarium use.


Echinodorus Bleheri, commonly known as the Amazon Sword Plant, is a popular and iconic aquatic plant in the aquarium hobby. It features long, lance-shaped leaves that emerge from a central rosette. The leaves are typically deep green and can reach impressive sizes, adding a bold and lush appearance to aquariums.


Echinodorus Bleheri is native to South America, particularly the Amazon River basin. It is found in areas with slow-moving or stagnant waters, such as marshes, lakes, and riverbanks.


Due to its popularity and widespread cultivation for the aquarium trade, Echinodorus Bleheri is not facing significant threats in terms of conservation.


The Amazon Sword Plant is a staple in planted aquariums and aquascapes. It can grow to be quite large, making it suitable for midground and background positions. While it is generally considered an undemanding plant, it benefits from moderate to bright lighting and nutrient-rich substrate. The plant can send out runners that produce new plantlets, contributing to its spread within the aquarium.

Conservation efforts

While there are no specific conservation efforts focused solely on Echinodorus Bleheri, its popularity in the aquarium trade indirectly supports the cultivation and preservation of aquatic plant species. Responsible cultivation practices contribute to the overall conservation of aquatic ecosystems.